COVID-19 Health & Safety statement

COVID-19 Health & Safety statement

7th October 2020

City Walks makes every effort to limit risks associated with COVID-19. We have always taken a safety-first approach to this - indeed we have not operated walks while any part of New Zealand has been above Alert Level One. We now have sufficient confidence in New Zealand's border control and contact-tracing systems, and in our own operating systems, to offer walks again.

A health & safety briefing will be held at the start of each walk. Your guide (Athol Parks, the business owner) will ask you to declare if you've had COVID-19, or COVID-like symptoms, over the previous 14 days. If the answer is yes, you cannot do the walk. You'll be advised to contact your GP or phone Healthline 0800 358 5453

All pax will be advised to log on to the City Walks QR code. Also, Athol will record everyone's names, plus contact details (two of phone, email or physical address) for the leader of each 'bubble' or 'group'. Those details will be held secure, and used only if a public health or other emergency demands this.

Please inform us if you get COVID-19 or symptoms within 14 days of doing a walk.

Note that facemasks, hand sanitizer and wipes are available for walkers to use if they choose to.